Knot Store

15. True Lover's Knot


No. 15

True Lover’s Knot

The True Lover's Knot (or True Love Knot) is a name that has been used for many distinct knots. The True Lover's Knot depicted above is one of many such knots so named. The intertwined overhand knots are used as a symbol of binding love between two people. Classification: Bend Structure: The True Lover's Knot can be used as a bend to connect two separate ropes, or the same rope can be used to form a loop. In loop form it is the beginning of the Sailors Cross, which itself is also known as a "true lover's knot"). TheFisherman's Knot, another knot composed of two Overhand Knots, has also been dubbed a "true lover's knot". Strength/Reliability: Though the True Lover's Knot can be used to join two ropes, there are better bends more suited to the task such as the Zeppelin Bend,Ashley's Bend, Double Sheet Bend orDouble Fisherman's Knot.

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