Knot Store

06. Booby Knot


No. 6

Booby Knot

The Booby Knot is a binding knot that can be used to secure a rope or line around an object such as a bag or package. However for this purpose other knots, such as the Reef Knot, are superior so there is little use for the Granny Knot in practical application, When attempting to tie a Reef (Square) Knot, it is easy to produce a Booby Knot accidentally. This is dangerous because the Booby Knot can slip when heavilty loaded. A tightened Booby Knot can also jam and is often more difficult to untie than the Reef Knot. One way to distinguish them is that in the Booby knot is twice , left over right, tuck under. The Booby Knot is considered inferior to the Reef Knot, which it superficially resembles. Neither of these knots should be used as a a bend for attaching two ropes together. 

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